
To Solve Oil Sludge, Oil Waste and Oil Spill course

February 22-25, 2010 at Bandung


Your course leaders are:

Ir. Edwan Kardena, Ph.D.

Ir. Sri H. Suhardi, Ph.D.

(The leading scientists and engineering in biotechnology in Indonesia)



Wastes can be in from of gas, liquid, solid and even sludge or slurry. Waste generation is resulted from inefficiency processes, which in many kind industries are inevitable. Oil industry, for example, generates many type of waste depends on the nature of the process. Exploitation and production of crude oil can generate liquid waste (produced water) and also oil sludge. Refinery activities may generate: wastewater containing phenol, oil, ammonium; solid waste containing oil and heavy meals; oil sludge as well as air pollution. As abundant thus the problem is not merely created by the toxicity or the nature of the chemicals but also by the quantity of the waste itself.


Quantity and quality of waste determine the problems can be created and the way in which waste should handle and in addition, the cost of industry must spend to managed them. Today, waste management is not the matter of how much money the industry should spend to get rid of all waste but rather what benefits can be obtained of waste are manage properly. Thus it is very important that the environmental awareness and moreover, know-how of environmental management are owned by industries. In this perspective we offer an intensive course on bioremediation of industrial hazardous organic wastes.



  • Detail aspect of bioremediation.
  • Microbial process as the key factor in the bio degradation
  • Sophisticated ex-situ and in-situ bioremediation technique for hazardous organic pollutants such as oil sludge, solvent or pesticides (as halogenated compounds).
  • Application of bioremediation technique for treatment of industrial waste.
  • Selecting appropriate bioremediation technique for certain conditions.
  • Waste problem solving in oil and gas industry.
  • Newest microorganism species, which is the most effective for bioremediation technology.



1.       Get the clearer understanding of bioremediation technique.

2.       Strengthen your perspective on handling your oil sludge and oil waste problems.

3.       Improve the capability of your company on environmental protection including immediate action on any oil spill, leak and accidental spillage.



Petroleum Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry Engineering, Production Engineering, Supervisor and manager in Oil, Gas & Minerals Industries.




  • Bioengineering
  • Bioremediation engineering
  • Managing Bioremediation Project


Microbial System of Bioremediation

  • Microbial metabolism
  • Microbiology of bioremediation
  • Bioprocess control parameter


Optimizing Microbial Transformation of Hazardous Chemicals

  • Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism
  • Degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon
  • Biodegradation of halogenated compounds


Site characterization for Bioremediation

  • Assessment for Biological Process
  • Assessment for In-situ Bioremediation
  • Assessment for Ex-situ bioremediation
  • Assessment for Process Control


Ex-situ Bioremediation Technique

  • Preparation
  • Site excavation
  • Processing
  • Monitoring
  • Evaluation


In-situ Bioremediation Technique

  • Preparation
  • Construction
  • Monitoring
  • Evaluation


Bioremediation of Oil Sludge

  • Sludge Characterization
  • Biodegradability Test
  • Bioremediation Design
  • Monitoring & Evaluation


Bioremediation of Other Industrial Organic Pollutant

  • Biological Process for Liquid Waste
  • Activated Sludge for Oily Wastewater



Edwan Kardena is a leading scientist and engineering in the field of microbial process for bioremediation of organic and toxic chemicals, such as petroleum hydrocarbons and halogenated compounds. He obtained his Ph. D. degree from the University College of Wales in Cardiff, United Kingdom in the field of Environmental Microbiology/Biotechnology in 1955. He is currently known as a lecture in the Department of Environmental Engineering ITB.


Sri H. Suhardi is an environmental microbiologist and currently known as a research at the Inter university Center for Research on Biotechnology. Her major interest is in the use of fungi and biocatalyst for treatment of industrial waste. She has extensively been working with phenolic compounds such as chlorophenol. She got the Ph.D. degree from University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom in 1995.



General Information

Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.


Documentation & Dress Code

ü  Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.

ü  Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

ü  Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



ü  Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

ü  Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

ü  Interactive presentation with discussion

ü  Convenient training facilities with five star quality

ü  Lunch per day

ü  Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

ü  Certificate of Completion

ü  Local drop and pick up for arrival and departure between airports to hotel.

ü  Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment (Optional)

ü  Exclusive flash disk.


Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

USD 917,-/ Person, discount 10 % if register three or more persons from one company.

Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


 Minimum Participant

This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)

For further information and registration please contact:

Mohammad Ramli     +62 852 17900 824