February 2-4, 2010 at Jogjakarta


Organizational change, diversity  and electronic communications  have changed the face of  the  work place. Today, more  than ever, success  depends  upon the combined  cooperation, commitment and action of people-both face-to-face and across electronic and  cyber channels. Our  technical  abilities are not enough to guarantee our success.  We need to  adjust and  improve our  personal and inter-personal leadership to meet this rapidly change today’s business environment.


How participants will benefit?:

o      Identify the inside-out approach for success

o      Comprehend the power of paradigm and the habits of mind

o      Improve your personal and interpersonal habits effectively

o     Develop active listening skills to really tune in to coworkers and cultivate productive relationships.

o      Improve our time management by implementing the Matrix Time Management

o      Increase your comfort zone by handling the social aspects of business at your level.


Who should attend?

Supervisors, team leaders, technical professional who  want to maximize their positive impact on others, enrich the quality of their relationships and increase their job effectiveness.


Method of Training

During the training, participant will be in interactive learning mode, by actively  join the group discussion, sharing concepts, role plays, games and case studies.



Day: 1




08:00 – 09:45

 Understanding Leadership & Management Skills with Indonesian Leaders/CEO as examples.

09.45 – 10.00

Coffee Break

10.00 - 12.00

Knowing your Temperament, Personality and Character

12.00 - 13.00


13.00 - 14.30

Paradigm, Emotional Bank Account,  Three Person Teaching and Maturity Continuum

14.30 - 14.45

Coffee Break

14.45 - 16.00

Proactivity & Reactivity










Day: 2




08:00 – 09:45

 Setting your Personal Vision, Mission & Priorities

09.45 – 10.00

Coffee Break

10.00 - 12.00

Matrix Time Management

12.00 - 13.00


13.00 - 14.30

Think Win-Win

14.30 - 14.45

Coffee Break

14.45 - 16.00

Effective Communication


Day: 3




08:00 – 09:45


09.45 – 10.00

Coffee Break

10.00 - 12.00

Empowerment and Win-win Agreement

12.00 - 13.00


13.00 - 14.30

Sharpen the Saw

14.30 - 14.45

Coffee Break

14.45 - 16.00

Conclusion & Wrap-up




Kris Sumargo Hendardjo. He has more than 25 years experienced as trainer in domestic & overseas in “Soft Skill”major, ie. Leadership & Management Skills, Communication, Motivation, Outbound and Interpersonal Skills for various Oil Companies, Mining, Banks, Automotives, Insurances, Fertilizer, Garments, Chemical Industries, Telkom, PLN, Peruri etc. His professional career started on PT. Stanvac Indonesia (1976) as District Geologist, Arco (1980- 1982) as development geologist, Conoco Indonesia Inc. (1982-1998) as Chief Geoscientist, for 17 years in Conoco Indonesia Inc., he had got training assignment for 2 year in Conoco London, UK (1985-1986) and Working assignment in Conoco Houston, USA (1991-1993). He continued his career in Sperry-Sun as Sales Manager and Halliburton Indonesia as Account Manager. He has been implementing his knowledge and experience through develop companies and actives as trainer/instructor/lecturer in universities and institutions, i.e University of Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural University, Trisakti, Bina Nusantara, UPN-Jogjakarta, Unisma Bekasi. He also trusted as Principle Centered Leadership (PCL) facilitator for all Conoco Indonesia employees. Certified Facilitator of Covey Leadership Center for the 7 Habits Program. In 1996, he obtained “Highest Award for Achievement from Dale Carnegie Institute” for his expertise and skill in motivation teaching. As professional, he also involve as member in AAPG, IAGI, HAGI, HFI, Member of KIKAS (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-the US Committee) and SPE member.








General Information

Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.



ü  Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.

ü  Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

ü  Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



ü  Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

ü  Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

ü  Interactive presentation with discussion

ü  Convenient training facilities with five star quality

ü  Lunch per day

ü  Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

ü  Certificate of Completion

ü  Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (Optional)

ü  Exclusive flash disk.


Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

USD 806,-/ Person, discount 10 % if register three or more persons from one company.

Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


Minimum Participant

This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)

For further information and registration please contact:

Mohammad Ramli     +62 852 17900 824










Course title  : Developing Personal and Interpersonal Skill 

Date            : ………………………. 2009

Venue          : Bandung

Instructor     : Ir. Kris Hendardjo, MM. MBA.

Price            : USD 880,-/ Person, discount 10 % if register three or more

                          persons  from one company


Attendee Name                :                                                                 

Company                         :                                                                 

Telephone/Fax.               :                                                                 

Email address                  :                                                                 

Mobile phone no.            :                                                                 

Contact Person                :                                                                 

Telephone/Fax./E-mail    :                                                                 

Payment Methode            :                                                                 

 Methode of Payment

By cash on the date of arrival

By cheque on the date arrival

Transfer to TIM account

    before training held

By transfer to TIM account

   two weeks after invoice received. All cheque and transfer payable to:



Bank Permata-Kpt. Muslihat, Bogor

A/C 73040 264 18 (USD)

Bank Mandiri-Juanda, Bogor

A/C 133-00-0499302-8 (IDR)

(Note: Fee is excluded PPN 10%


Please return this form to the:

PT Tunggal Ika Mahakarya

Jl. Terapi Raya Blok AE-8 Bumi Menteng Asri Bogor 16111

Phone          : +62 251-7191202, 7193062

Fax              : +62 251-8360114

E-mail                   :